Upcoming and Current Events
In October, Mari Margil and Thomas Linzey of the Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights (CDER) will lead a four-week training titled - The Rights of Nature: Drafting, Adopting, and Enforcing Rights of Nature Laws in Cities, Towns, and Counties - hosted by the Bioneers Learning online program.
Participants will learn about the “rights of nature” movement in the United States and globally; prepare them to engage in their own communities to develop, adopt, and enforce local rights of nature laws; and address frequently asked questions. The course will also include an overview of how indigenous communities are adopting and enforcing rights of nature laws. We will feature guest presenters, including key organizers in Ecuador and tribal attorneys in the U.S. This course will run from October 3 - 24, 2024, with classes taking place on Thursdays from 11 am - 12:30 pm (PT). Classes will be held via Zoom, and recordings of each class will be available for registrants not able to attend a class here and there. Live Online Course with Thomas Linzey & Mari Margil